East Library

The EAST library offers the most pertinent publications on media viability and innovation in East Africa and beyond. Displaying sources of information relating to all five dimensions of media viability and more, it includes both regional and international studies, reports, books and fact-sheets for media practitioners, academics and policy makers alike. Standing on the shoulder of giants – Let’s start a conversation.

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Measuring beyond money: The Media Viability Indicators (MVIs)

Measuring beyond money: The Media Viability Indicators (MVIs)

Published by: DW Akademie
Author: Moore, L., Hollifield, A., Jurrat, N., & De Roy, G.
Year: 2020

Embracing the concept of Media Viability is key to adapting to the ever-changing media landscape. But how does one assess if they are on the right trajectory to viability? DW Akademie formulated Media Viability Indicators (MVIs) that consider the politics, economy, content and expertise, technology, and the community the media is serving. The MVIs assist in devising new strategies that can lead to growth and most importantly, viability.

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The state of press freedom in Uganda

The state of press freedom in Uganda

Published by: International Journal of Communication
Author: Cohen, M., & McIntyre, K.
Year: 2020

According to the 2020 World Press Freedom Index, Uganda is ranked position 125 out of 178. A study suggests that social responsibility comes before media rights and freedoms, and so the media must accept government-imposed restrictions. The paper also discovered that although government policy allows for media liberalization, it does not condone media houses creating critical content.

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Digital News Report 2020: Kenya

Digital News Report 2020: Kenya

Published by: Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford
Author: Newman N., Fletcher, R., Schulz, A., Andı, S., Kleis Nielsen, R., & Gicheru, C.
Year: 2020

Kenya’s media industry is one of Africa’s most robust and competitive. But how does it compare to the rest of the world? A Reuters Institutes’ annual survey sheds light on the Kenyan media market. It identifies the reach of the key media brands, social media usage, consumer habits and trust levels in the East African country as compared to 40 other nations across the globe.

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Local radio stations in Africa: Sustainability or pragmatic viability?

Local radio stations in Africa: Sustainability or pragmatic viability?

Published by: Centre for International Media Assistance (CIMA)
Author: Myers, M., & Harford, N.
Year: 2020

Local radio continues to play a crucial role in sub-Saharan Africa. But how viable is local radio? A case study conducted on eight local radio stations in Uganda and Zambia seeks to shed light on how such ventures can move towards financial viability without compromising their editorial independence to political pressure or donor influence.

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A research agenda for media economics: Media sustainability

A research agenda for media economics: Media sustainability

Published by: Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing
Author: Hollifield, C. A. In (Albarran, A., (Ed.).
Year: 2019

Media Viability is and will remain a trending catchphrase for the foreseeable future. A lot of research has gone into Media Viability as media experts seek to unravel why it has become critical for media stakeholders to pursue viability. They dig into how digital technology has helped to outline the economic characteristics of media content and how that differs from the economics of consumers.

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Tanzania Media Laws: A Handbook for Practitioners

Tanzania Media Laws: A Handbook for Practitioners

Published by: The International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL)
Author: Lampell, Z., Habimana, A., Liu, L., Kaguongo, W., Mukajanga, K., Mtuy, H. & Sengiyumva, G.
Year: 2019

In the past years a variety of laws, affecting both the analog and digital media landscapes, have been implemented in Tanzania. This Handbook aims to support media practitioners, human rights defenders and civil society organizations in Tanzania to understand the legal and policy framework that affect their daily work.

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Data journalism in Tanzania

Data journalism in Tanzania

Published by: Open Knowledge International
Author: Powell, R.
Year: 2019

Emerged from the growing interest in data journalism this report looks at existing models of data journalism capacity building in Tanzania and explores outstanding challenges to increasing data journalism in practice. To this end, it outlines the relevant factors for data journalism to grow and be sustained in newsrooms across the country.

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“As long as I am quiet, I am safe”: Threats to independent media and civil society in Tanzania

“As long as I am quiet, I am safe”: Threats to independent media and civil society in Tanzania

Published by: Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Author: Nyeko, O.
Year: 2019

Interviewing reporters, newspaper editors and staff of NGOs in Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar, Arusha, Ilindi and Mwanza, HRW documents restrictions media and civil society across Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar are facing both through legislative changes and active forms of repression through the government.

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Protecting journalists and the media: East African citizens’ views on media freedom

Protecting journalists and the media: East African citizens’ views on media freedom

Published by: Taweza
Year: 2019

Marking the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, Taweza outlines results from their survey of citizens in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda on their analysis and needs with respect to journalistic freedom.

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Afican Media Barometer: A Home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Tanzania

Afican Media Barometer: A Home-grown analysis of the media landscape in Tanzania

Published by: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Year: 2019

Providing a self-assessment through civil society and media practitioners, the AMB Tanzania 2019 looks at the freedom of expression, broadcast regulation, diversity of the media landscape and professional media standards in the country, focusing on the years running up the the 2020 elections.

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Case Studies in collaborative local journalism

Case Studies in collaborative local journalism

Published by: Oxford Reuters Institute Study of Journalism
Author: Jenkins, J., & Graves, L.
Year: 2019

Media collaboration is crucial in facilitating resource sharing, minimising competitive conflict, and assists in connecting with communities, that is according to a study that analysed Italy, Finland and the UK. Collaboration can be between journalists working on a specific story, media start-ups, or news organisations sharing content through a collaborative newsroom.

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Kenya Status of the Media Report

Kenya Status of the Media Report

Published by: Media Council of Kenya
Year: 2019

The Kenyan media industry has grown exponentially, and digital media use is rapidly increasing. However, a report commissioned by the Media Council of Kenya found that audiences and users trust the media less, partly because of the misinformation and disinformation phenomenon.

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