East Library

The EAST library offers the most pertinent publications on media viability and innovation in East Africa and beyond. Displaying sources of information relating to all five dimensions of media viability and more, it includes both regional and international studies, reports, books and fact-sheets for media practitioners, academics and policy makers alike. Standing on the shoulder of giants – Let’s start a conversation.

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Tech giants, artificial intelligence, and the future of journalism

Tech giants, artificial intelligence, and the future of journalism

Published by: Routledge Research in Journalism
Author: Whittaker J.P.
Year: 2019

The “Big Five” technology companies; Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft, have had a tremendous impact on journalism and the media industry. A book by J.P Whittaker looks at the role of algorithms and artificial intelligence in curating how journalists produce news and how people consume media, including fake news in the post-truth age.

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How technology is shaping journalism in East Africa

How technology is shaping journalism in East Africa

Published by: Uganda Partners
Author: Taremwa, A.
Year: 2019

The digital disruption threatens East Africa’s traditional media. Content creation, distribution, monetization and changing media consumption habits are areas that need focus. Though technology is making governments more accountable and empowering journalists through digital research tools, most media consumption is in the entertainment industries which support fake news, disinformation, and click-baiting.

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Ugandan Newspapers struggle to find readers; revenues weaken as advertisers look for cheaper alternatives. Can our newspapers survive the next 10 years?

Ugandan Newspapers struggle to find readers; revenues weaken as advertisers look for cheaper alternatives. Can our newspapers survive the next 10 years?

Published by: CEO East Africa Magazine
Author: Kyamutetera, M.
Year: 2019

No more Ugandan newspapers by 2029, that’s according to a projection by media experts. They argue that Ugandan newspapers are reliant on advertising revenue as opposed to circulation revenue. Lower circulation, increased advertisement costs, fewer distribution channels, increased internet consumption, and competition amongst media groups will contribute to the downfall of Ugandan print media.

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The State of ICT in Uganda

The State of ICT in Uganda

Published by: Research ICT Africa
Author: Gillwald, A., Mothobi, O., Ndiwalana, A., & Tusubira, F. F.
Year: 2019

Uganda has one of the lowest internet penetrations rates in Africa. The cost of data is high, and the social media and mobile money taxes hamper internet usage. These taxes affect social media platforms that are the main drivers in internet uptake. A report shows that the taxes also limit mobile operator revenues, thereby denying the government the anticipated revenues as most users choose to remain offline.

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Paying attention to the poor: Digital advertising in emerging markets.

Paying attention to the poor: Digital advertising in emerging markets.

Published by: Caribou Digital Publishing
Author: Pon,, B., Donner, J., Locke, C., & Nagula, K.
Year: 2019

The digital advertising industry is increasing at record speed. However, there is still a gap in revenue and monetization potential between emerging and developed markets. A report by a digital publishing company serves to analyze the opportunities and challenges facing digital advertising in emerging markets.

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How to fund investigative journalism: Insights from the field and its key donors

How to fund investigative journalism: Insights from the field and its key donors

Published by: DW Akademie
Author: Padania , S.,
Year: 2019

Good investigative journalism requires time, patience, perseverance, professionalism, and adequate funding. Potential donors need an overview of the main ways this often precarious field is financed in newsrooms. In the same way, they require practical advice and key principles of funding as well as comprehending the challenges and opportunities in investigative journalism.

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After the Scoop: How investigative journalism affects media

After the Scoop: How investigative journalism affects media

Published by: DW Akademie
Author: Abang, M., Bienvenue, H., Billing, L., De Châtel, F., Galf, R., Martín, M., Rudič, F., Tarek, S., Yamani, Z.,
Year: 2019

In a world where democracy is facing threats, investigative journalism helps uncover wrongdoing by governments or big corporations. Investigative journalism continues to hold power to account by stirring debates that are critical for any functioning society. This detailed global investigative reports aim to prove, through nine case studies from across the globe, that investigative journalism can be viable, even under the harshest circumstances.

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More than money: Rethinking Media Viability in the digital age

More than money: Rethinking Media Viability in the digital age

Published by: DW Akademie
Author: Deselaers, P., James, K., Mikhael, R., & Schneider, L.
Year: 2019

How can media houses deliver quality journalism while staying profitable? DW Akademie’s Media Viability model goes beyond the money factor, encompassing politics, the economy, content, technology, and the wider audience.

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Media Ownership Monitor – Tanzania

Media Ownership Monitor – Tanzania

Published by: Reporters Without Borders (RSF)
Author: Mallimbo, P., & Kretschmer, L.M.
Year: 2018

The #MOM by RSF, conducted in partnership with the Media Council of Tanzania, displays the high level of media concentration. Whilst only a few media companies have a predominant market position, the legally protected media pluralism doesn’t shine through in practice. The database displays who owns Tanzanian media, their affiliated interests and relevant background information.

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Entertainment and media outlook: 2018-2022 – an African perspective

Entertainment and media outlook: 2018-2022 – an African perspective

Published by: Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC)
Year: 2018

The media ecosystem in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Tanzania is rapidly evolving as a new form of convergence which is changing the dynamics of competition unfolds. New technologies such as artificial intelligence are further impacting the landscape. To succeed, brands need to embrace innovation and technology and offer quality content.

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Paying the piper: The sustainability of the news industry and journalism in South Africa in a time of digital transformation and political uncertainty

Paying the piper: The sustainability of the news industry and journalism in South Africa in a time of digital transformation and political uncertainty

Published by: School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University
Author: Dugmore, H.
Year: 2018

Much of South Africa’s quality journalism is funded by grants and donations from international foundations. News media is thus in a precarious position, and there is a need for change to ensure viability. One report suggests offering forums for public knowledge sharing, public participation, and other ways to improve accessible language and reporting.

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Entrepreneurial journalism in Africa

Entrepreneurial journalism in Africa

Published by: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS)
Author: Mdlongwa, F.
Year: 2018

For media in Africa to survive, it needs to adapt to the changing environment. That was the finding during the 2018 Media Africa conference in Ghana. The report discussed opportunities, challenges, and risks for journalism in Africa. It also stresses the importance of investing in the next generation of journalists and becoming independent from state advertising.

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