The Innovators in Residence Program


The Innovators-in-Residence program provides a valuable mentoring opportunity in developing and breathing to life new innovative ideas. Through this program, selected experts will guide early-stage innovators to turn their ideas into reality. A panel of judges selects the innovators-in-residence through a rigorous process with the aim of picking the best ideas to support that year. The judges look for several attributes in the winning idea: viability, scalability, novelty, and contribution to the East African media industry.

The innovators-in-residence have access to a start-up grant of up to $20,000 and monthly stipends to help them steer through the program. They also have access to coaches who will handhold them through the early stages of their start-up and assist them in working on prototypes and, finally, a minimum viable product (MVP). The innovators go through various trainings to ground them in journalism and storytelling, business planning, taxation, and entrepreneurship. The innovators-in-residence program takes 12 months that culminates to a Demo Day in which the innovators present their final product before a sitting of potential investors and mentors.

Find out more on how to apply for our innovation program.


Meet Our Innovators in Residence: